Lithograph "Les Instruments de la Passion", after the Fernand Leger stained glass window at the Église du Sacré-Coeur à Audincourt, (Church of the Sacred Heart of Audincourt, France), published in March 1951 for the exhibition "Sur Quatre Murs", and printed by Atelier Maeght. Excellent condition; center fold as issued. Print size: 8 1/4 x 20 1/4 inches; sheet size: 15 x 22 inches. Atelier Maeght is one of the most renowned printmakers in history, producing prints of the highest quality.
Église du Sacré-Coeur à Audincourt is modern-architecture church constructed from 1949-51. In addition to Leger's stained glass window, the church is adorned with stained glass and mosaics by Jean Bazaine and Jean Le Moal. The church was declared a historical monument in 1996.
Fernand Léger (1881 – 1955) was a French painter, sculptor, and decorative artist. His projects included book illustrations, murals, stained-glass windows, mosaics, polychrome ceramic sculptures, and set and costume designs. In his early works, he created a form of Cubism (known as "Tubism" for its emphasis on cylindrical forms), which he progressively modified into a more figurative and simpler populist style. He taught art at the Académie Vassilieff and the Sorbonne, founded his own Académie Fernand Léger, which was in Paris, and the Yale School of Art and Architecture. His treatment of modern subject matter and numerous prominent pupils has caused him to be regarded as a forerunner of Pop Art.
Léger, Fernand - "Les Instruments de la Passion"
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